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Levels 4 - 6

ICAO English Language Proficiency Checks, Recognised in all EASA member states. Test Carried out on Skype or Zoom

How does it work?

Would you like to take the ICAO language exam level 4-6 in English?

This is possible on most days when I am not flying.  It is done ONLINE with Zoom

The exam consists of two parts:

  • You will be asked 18 questions related to aviation (no technical questions)

  • Undergo a 15 minute conversation with a language examiner.

  • Only require Level 4, this can be done and approx 10 mins shorter

To purchase your online ICAO language exam arrange an appointment below at your desired time and we will take care of everything.

Is it approved by my EASA State of Licence?

Absolutely, recognized in all EASA member states according to the EU (VO) 2019/1747, ICAO Doc 9835 and FCL.055

LPE & LPLE Examiners are qualified in accordance with ICAO Doc 9835.


The LPE (Language Proficiency Examiner) will conduct the test and the LPLE (Linguistics Expert) will confirm the rating.

Is it approved to do the test online?

The test can be carried out face-to-face and also voice-only (Zoom or Skype) according to AMC1 FCL.055 (Annex I to ED Decision 2020/005/R)

The entire test should not take more than 40 minuites and a little shorter if you require Level 4 only.

Once the exam is complete and the test has been verified by the Linguistics Expert you will receive the level certified, which corresponds to your language level. This in addition to the licences will be sent to you to sumbit to your authorities.

How much will it cost me?


Schedule your test below I will get back to you with confirmation.

Once the date and time is confirmed you will be sent a payment link.

Take the exam (approx 40 min) at the selected day and time of your choice via Zoom)

Receive the ICAO language certificate including all the required documentation and submit it to the authorities.

Recognized in EASA member states  according to the EU (VO) 2019/1747 ICAO Doc 9835 and FCL.055

After the exam you will receive within 24 hours the level certified, which corresponds to your language level.

Language Proficiency Test Request

Thanks for submitting!


ICAO 9835

ICAO Document for English Language Proficiency

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